Waves of Pleasure – The LELO SONA Cruise

I take personal pleasure very seriously, so it goes without saying that my toy collection is quite expansive. Still, I was very intrigued when I saw people gushing about LELO‘s SONA Cruise on my Twitter timeline– and I did not have anything like it until a very generous person gifted it to me.

The SONA Cruise is a clitoral massager that uses “sonic waves and pulses” to stimulate the clitoris. According to LELO, the use of sonic waves and pulses allows stimulation of the entire clitoris.

The SONA Cruise improves upon LELO’s SONA by introducing a new “Cruise Control” feature. When the SONA Cruise is pressed against the body, an extra 20% of motor power is unleashed. The “Cruise Control” function prevents the dreaded loss of intensity that sometimes occurs when you apply additional pressure on the body with a toy. This is an automatic feature that was specially developed by LELO, making this clitoral massager much different than others on the market.

I am always enthusiastic about clitoral stimulation as it is the easiest and most satisfying way for me to reach an orgasm! The design of the SONA Cruise is a nice puckering “mouth” that could possibly cover the entire clitoral glans (depending on the individual’s size).

The Undressing

My gift was ordered directly from LELO and arrived in very discreet packaging. Inside was the classic, beautiful black Lelo box containing my SONA Cruise with its USB charger, a satin storage pouch, a 1 year warranty card, and an instruction manual.

This is a very pretty toy, probably the most beautiful one I own. Like other LELO toys, the exterior is made of a medical grade silicone that is easy to clean and safe for use with all lubricants. It is also waterproof! The vibrant pink color of the silicone is gorgeous against the gold backing (it can also be purchased in a baby pink hue and a black). It is small and lightweight, fitting comfortably within the palm of my hand. I love the size because of the added discretion when carrying it and the additional mobility.

There are three buttons to control the SONA Cruise. The (+) increases the intensity, the (-) decreases it, and the middle button changes the pattern to 1 of the 8 different waves and pulses. Although the buttons are very flush against the hardware, they are not hard to feel or press. The smooth, curved design makes it easy to hold in most positions. Another great thing about the design is that it does not allow for the silicone cover to shift off of the buttons that are used to control the motor functions.

A few series of battery tests showed that a quick one hour charge is enough for about 60-90 minutes of activity.

While the SONA Cruise is very quiet compared to other devices I own, it is certainly not as noiseless as LELO made it out to be. I do not think it is loud enough to wake a sleeping partner in bed, but you could not use it without detection – even under layers of bedding – if the person was awake next to you.

The Greeting

Turning it on by pressing the (+) button, you are met by a moderate intensity and a consistent pulsating feel. Predictably, the SONA Cruise feels completely different, and much better, with lubrication.

Orgasms are extremely mental for me; nevertheless, when I am using the SONA Cruise in the right frame of mind, I am always able to climax. If pressed for time, this is the toy I reach for – the stimulation can take me there within 5 minutes. For a good bit of self care, I generally start at a lower intensity and a playful pattern and then build up from there.

It took me a few minutes to understand where the Cruise Control feature came in, but I certainly developed an immense appreciation for it once I became familiar with it. You can use the feature as an additional way to vary the intensity of the sensation created.

If you are considering whether or not you should purchase one for yourself or a partner, I would definitely say go for it. At a regular price of $179 (but often on promotion at $99), it is indeed a bit on the pricier side. However, for someone who prefers clitoral stimulation, the value is in the fact that it is powerful with incredible mobility because of its size. I have used the SONA Cruise almost daily since receiving it, and it has become one of my favorite toys!

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